Amidst growing imperialist anxiety over Chinese presence in Latin America — Washington’s so-called “backyard” — this panel explores Latin American perspective on Chinese internationalism in the region. Far from another imperial power aiming to subordinate Latin American countries to its own interests, China’s presence in the region presents opportunities to pursue economic development without having to submit to neoliberal imperial preferences. Organized with ANTICONQUISTA and the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, this panel discussed progressive movements and governments in Latin America and their relationship with China.
This panel focuses on the U.S. militarization of Asia and the Pacific under the auspices of the renewed U.S. “containment” doctrine and the new Cold War on China. Panelists analyzed how the U.S. deploys false claims of a “China threat” narrative to justify the further entrenchment of its own militarization of regions in Asia and the Pacific. We will highlight how renewed U.S. Cold War aggression on China is further expanding the U.S. militarization and occupation of regions in Asia in the Pacific such as Korea, Hawai’i, Guam, Okinawa, and beyond.
The first public online meeting of the No Cold War campaign took place on Saturday 25 July 2020, with speakers from eight countries - the US, China, Britain, India, Russia, Canada, Venezuela and Brazil - speaking out against the rising tide of aggression and hostility directed against China by the US and its allies.
The Red Nation in partnership with the Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) and the Center for Political Education is hosting a series of critical conversations on settler colonialism, US imperialism, and decolonization. The COVID-19 pandemic is global, and so our response to it must also be global. Friday Night Forums feature anti-imperialist perspectives and lessons on organizing from around the world, with an eye toward decolonizing Turtle Island.
The COVID-19 crisis has thrown into stark relief the cruel geopolitics of U.S. imperialism. Yet the crisis has also modeled the power of Global South solidarity, powered by the socialist principles enabling countries such as China, Vietnam, and Cuba to provide pandemic aid to the world.
As the spread of COVID-19 exposes the dysfunction and illegitimacy of capitalist and imperialist system, we need to maintain an internationalist and working class analysis. This panel will bring together leaders, thinkers, and organizers in the struggle for the human right of healthcare, against xenophobia, and against imperialism to help us understand the COVID-19 crisis in the current moment.